I have always enjoyed the way glass interacts with light, and also the beauty of the ancient beads that were made with such limited tools. I enrolled in a bead making class about 12 years ago and was completely enraptured with the way glass flowed and formed. Since then I have expanded my learning to include warm glass and copperfoil glass.
I love teaching people about glass and helping them make something beautiful for their homes.
Artists & Studios
Jo-Ann Colyer
- 29 Heather Rd, Roleystone
No Accessibility
Opening Times
Friday 10/11
10am to 4pm
Saturday 11/11
10am to 4pm
Sunday 12/11
10am to 4pm
Monday 13/11
By Appointment
Tuesday 14/11
By Appointment
Wednesday 15/11
By Appointment
Thursday 16/11
By Appointment
Friday 17/11
10am to 4pm
Saturday 18/11
10am to 4pm
Sunday 19/11
10am to 4pm